Friday, May 31, 2019

Axiologie et Pédagogie du Droit :: French Essays

Axiologie et Pdagogie du DroitABSTRACT Le droit, considr comme un ensemble de rgles-normes ayant force ogligatoire et contraignante, rgit les rappoerts entre les hommes dans une socit donne. En mme temps, il est porteur la fois de limage dorganisation stilbesterol rapports sociaux familiaux, conomiques et politiques ( expression de base de la societ), et des valeurs. A ce titre, le droit constitue un type-idal qui, inscrit dans les textes (droit positif-objectif) et enracin dans la conscience des individus, remplit les fonctions gnrales de la rgulation sociale, de la rsolution des conflits, de lintgration sociale et de la reproduction des structures sociales. En suivant lenseignement dAristotle, le droit en tant que vhicule de valeurs peut et doit contenir la valeur suprme de la vertu qui est au principe du bonheur humain. Ltat est, donc, tch denseigner moyennant la loi (droit positif) la vertu tant intellectuelle quthique. Ainsi, le droit devient un moyen dducation et remplit, out re ses fonctions gnrales, les fonctions pdagogique et axiologique en contribuant de cette manire la ralisation du bonheur des citoyens, La vertu, incorpore dans le droit, savre la condition sine qua non de lactualisation de toutes les valeurs contenues dans le droit, telles que dmocratie, libert, justice sociale, respectfulness de la personne et ainsi de suite.INTRODUCTIONpolla/ ga para touj e)qismoujkai th fu/sin pra/ttousi dia/to lo/gon e)a peisqw=sin a)llwje)xein be/ltionARISTOTE, Polit., H 7, 1332b7-9On dfinit dhabitude le droit comme un ensemble de rgles de conduite qui, dans une socit donne, rgissent les rapports entre les hommes de manire normative, obligatoire et contraignante. (1) Nanmoins, ds que nous le traitons en tant que discours porteur de limage organisationnelle du monde social et vhicule de valeurs, (2) ses fonctions sociales changent considrablement,tudier le droit dans lensemble de ses fonctions sociales tout en le rattachant au monde des valeurs, cest quitter lespace du positivisme juridique pour entrer dans celui de la sociologie et de la philosophie du droit, et rprer les vritables possibilits du discours juridique. Ainsi, aprs avoir examin les fonction gnrales du droit (I), lon passera ltude de ses fonctions axiologique et pdagogique (II). Ds lors, le droit cesse dtre un instrument dimposition dune volont une autre laide de linstitution tatique et devient un moyen civilis de faonner la conscience des hommes.I. LES FONCTIONS GNRALES DU DROITDans le droit est incorpor limage que les agents sociaux se font relativement lorganisation des rapports sociaux familiaux, conomiques et politiques, qui constituent la structure globale (3) ou la structure de base de la socit (4) et qui forment lobjet de la justice.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

RIP American Motors: 1954-87 :: Free Essays Online

RIP American Motors 1954-87 In the early 1900s, automobile manufacturing was a growing business. Independent automakers such as Auburn, Hudson, Nash, and Studebaker served a focused market, catering to small car drivers, non covered by the Big Three makers Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler. Many of these independent automakers aphorism their last years during the Great De advocateion. After World War II, there was just a handful left. American Motors was formed by the merger of two of these independents Nash and Hudson. Nash President George stonemason and Vice President George Romney saw the inevitable, to survive, the independents had to merge. Mason first talked to Packard who could not agree to a merger. After Mason tired of Packards reluctance to join, he approached his second choice, Hudson. Hudson President, A.E. Barrit saw that Hudson was quickly losing money and decided that a merger would be the best course of action. On May 1, 1954, Nash and Hudson jo ined, forming American Motors. (Foster 11) Mason was named chairman of the board, president, chief decision maker officer, and general manager. His assistant George Romney was named vice president, and Barrit became a director of the company. For the first year of production, all of the old Hudsons were dropped, either for being dated or just not doing well in the market. The all-new Hudsons were based on existing Nash bodies with design features to keep them different. All Hudson production was also moved out of Detroit into Nashs main plant at Kenosha, Wisconsin. In October, six months after the merger, Mason fell ill and unexpectedly died. The next day, Romney assumed all of his titles and responsibilities. At the end of 1955, American Motors closed its westerly Coast plant at El Segundo, California, and moved all production to Kenosha. This move increased production, but still ended the year with a injury of $6.9 million. (Foster 18) The 1956 model year brou ght out a new car, The Rambler. This was not a new name, but the car came out with no mention of Nash or Hudson. The press raved the new Rambler with its improved power, larger interior, and smoother steering. The rest of the American Motors line however, still carried the dated styles of 1952.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

American Imperialism Essay -- essays research papers

     Since its inception, America as a nation has developed and progressed according to trends of change that collectively define an era. Like all different eras, the time period of 1875-1925 experienced growth, changes, movements, and new ideals. It is the way that these changes came about that defines this era. Americans started to push for changes in many arenas of life that were previously unchallenged. New experiences and opportunities were also presented to America that caused tributaries in the former American ideal. These pressures for change could not be ignored and thus America continued its maturity in a new and unique manner. The changes in the American sphere of life and the development of greater organization, the largest underlying theme of the time period, facilitated the surgence of new foreign and military policies, urban right policies, economic reform policies, neo-federalism especially in dealing with business, social reform policies, and t he quality of life.     The period from 1875-1900 was considered the "Gilded Age". On come the no-name presidents. There is a reason though, why these presidents were no-name presidents. It is because all the power that the presidency gained from Lincoln, was lost during reconstruction. Most things in American life were considered to be things that the government, especially the president, should not touch. The laissez-faire philosophy was in replete(p) force. The lack of interference allowed the giants like John D. Rockefellar, Andrew Carnegie, and J. Pierpont Morgan to rise to almost divine status. This is where organization comes to play. Business began to realize that by organizing their power and joining together in bonds such as cartels, later pools, and finally trusts, that they could maximize the exploitation of the growing American population. With this fusion of power and the creation of megacorporations, abuses in the course of industrial ent erprise concerning bray and the environment developed. This reaction to the weak central government led to the enemy of these abuses. It is a natural pattern that opposition would occur, but the fact that organized opposition began to grow is what separates these resistences from the oppositions of the past. Immigration reaches its peak during the gilded age and shifts from the "old immigratio... frontier for the first time in history, no longer existed. The frontier symbolized the freedom of a place to go when things got boring. The frontier was a safety valve for people to go settle new territories, and to find raw materials. Now with the frontier gone, the idea of taking foreign territories looked like the best way to replace that frontier. Increasingly, the Americans had started to flex their muscle in the affairs around the world. Finally, it became clear that an imperialistic stance for America would be necessary in order to keep up with all the other western pow ers.           In conclusion, many changes in American life especially industrialization forced America to react to the new situations being presented to it. The people developed opinions on certain issues and actively pursued change. This forced America to experience things that it neer had in the past. It marked the rise of America as a substantial world power, the removal from isolationism, and the changing of the quality of life. The organized responses of the era, are its stamp on American history, and are responsible for all the changes of the era.

Free Essays: The Themes of Mary Shelleys Frankenstein :: Frankenstein essays

The Themes of Frankenstein Mary Shelley discusses many important themes in her famous reinvigorated Frankenstein. She attests these themes through the characters and their actions, and many of them represent occurrences from her own life. Many of the themes present debateable issues, and Shelleys thoughts on them. Three of the most important themes in the novel are birth and creation alienation and the family and the domestic affections. One theme discussed by Shelley in the novel is birth and creation. She does this through the main character, master key Frankenstein, who succeeds in creating a human life form. In doing this, Frankenstein has taken over the roles of women and graven image. Shelley discusses how Frankenstein has used his laboratory or workshop of pestiferous creation (page 53) as a kind of womb as he has worked on his creation. He also refers to his task as his labour, suggesting that he has literally given birth to his creation. subsequently so much time spe nt in painful labour (Page 51) The passing of time from when Victor first began his creation and finished it is also significant. Winter, spring, and spend passed away during my labours (Page 54) The length of the three seasons is nine months, representing the time a natural human baby takes to be formed in its mothers womb. This once again suggests that Frankenstein has bring a way to take over the role of women, and they become powerless, weak and flimsy. They no longer have a purpose in life, as Victor Frankenstein can now create new life forms - a process which women needed to be involved in previously. An example of womens powerlessness in the novel is the condemnation of Justine for a crime she did not commit. Had she been a man, she would probably have been set free. Frankenstein succeeds in removing the only powers that women had, as well as stripping God from his role. Through the theme of birth and creation, Shelley criticises Victor not only for creating the new b eing, but also for abandoning it when it comes to life. Victor first wishes to create the being because he thinks A new species would bless me as its creator and source ... No father could claim the gratitude of his child so completely as I should deserve theirs. (Page 52-53)

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Chanel Essay -- essays research papers

CHANELGabrielle Coco Chanel was born in Saumur, France in 1884. Vogue cartridge referred to her as the couturier who takes no account of fashion, who pursues her own faultlessly urbane line in the quiet confidence that fashion will come moxie to her - and sure enough it always does. Chanel began designing heavily during the 1920s. Her first outfits were woolen jerseys, and were very simple. She became famous for the simple look of her extremely classy outfits. Chanel stayed away from the superb colors of many of the other designers of the time. Instead, she used blacks, navy, and tan almost exclusively. irrelevant many designers who primarily made dresses and suits, Chanel also designed jackets, hats, and costume jewelry. When presenting a show, she did non have to accessorize her models with designs from other houses. Chanel designed well into the 1930s, but was forced to shut her house during the years of World War Two. In 1954, she was able to reopen, and she designed unt il she died in 1971. Chanel was one of the most influential designers of the twentieth century with a non-conformist and innocent streak. Coco designed the definitive womens suit, wore masculine clothes, sported a cropped haircut and flaunted a burn mark when it was considered to be an symbol of the working class. In 1916, she outraged the fashion manufacture by using jersey at a time when it was strictly associated with... Chanel turn out -- essays research papers CHANELGabrielle Coco Chanel was born in Saumur, France in 1884. Vogue Magazine referred to her as the couturier who takes no account of fashion, who pursues her own faultlessly elegant line in the quiet confidence that fashion will come back to her - and sure enough it always does. Chanel began designing heavily during the 1920s. Her first outfits were wool jerseys, and were very simple. She became famous for the simple look of her extremely classy outfits. Chanel stayed away from the vivid colors of m any of the other designers of the time. Instead, she used blacks, navy, and tan almost exclusively. Unlike many designers who primarily made dresses and suits, Chanel also designed jackets, hats, and costume jewelry. When presenting a show, she did not have to accessorize her models with designs from other houses. Chanel designed well into the 1930s, but was forced to close her house during the years of World War Two. In 1954, she was able to reopen, and she designed until she died in 1971. Chanel was one of the most influential designers of the twentieth century with a non-conformist and classical streak. Coco designed the definitive womens suit, wore masculine clothes, sported a cropped haircut and flaunted a suntan when it was considered to be an symbol of the working class. In 1916, she outraged the fashion industry by using jersey at a time when it was strictly associated with...

Chanel Essay -- essays research papers

CHANELGabrielle Coco Chanel was born in Saumur, France in 1884. Vogue Magazine referred to her as the interior designer who takes no account of fashion, who pursues her own faultlessly elegant line in the quiet confidence that fashion will come back to her - and sure decent it always does. Chanel began designing heavily during the 1920s. Her first outfits were wool jerseys, and were very simple. She became renowned for the simple look of her extremely classy outfits. Chanel stayed away from the vivid colors of umpteen of the early(a) designers of the time. Instead, she used blacks, navy, and tan al around exclusively. Unlike many designers who principally made dresses and suits, Chanel also knowing jackets, hats, and costume jewelry. When presenting a show, she did not have to accessorize her models with designs from other houses. Chanel designed well into the 1930s, but was forced to close her house during the eld of World War Two. In 1954, she was able to reopen, and she de signed until she died in 1971. Chanel was one of the most influential designers of the twentieth century with a non-conformist and classical streak. Coco designed the definitive womens suit, wore masculine clothes, sported a cropped haircut and flaunted a suntan when it was considered to be an attribute of the working class. In 1916, she outraged the fashion industry by exploitation jersey at a time when it was strictly associated with... Chanel Essay -- essays research document CHANELGabrielle Coco Chanel was born in Saumur, France in 1884. Vogue Magazine referred to her as the couturier who takes no account of fashion, who pursues her own faultlessly elegant line in the quiet confidence that fashion will come back to her - and sure enough it always does. Chanel began designing heavily during the 1920s. Her first outfits were wool jerseys, and were very simple. She became famous for the simple look of her extremely classy outfits. Chanel stayed away from the vivi d colors of many of the other designers of the time. Instead, she used blacks, navy, and tan almost exclusively. Unlike many designers who primarily made dresses and suits, Chanel also designed jackets, hats, and costume jewelry. When presenting a show, she did not have to accessorize her models with designs from other houses. Chanel designed well into the 1930s, but was forced to close her house during the years of World War Two. In 1954, she was able to reopen, and she designed until she died in 1971. Chanel was one of the most influential designers of the twentieth century with a non-conformist and classical streak. Coco designed the definitive womens suit, wore masculine clothes, sported a cropped haircut and flaunted a suntan when it was considered to be an symbol of the working class. In 1916, she outraged the fashion industry by using jersey at a time when it was strictly associated with...

Monday, May 27, 2019

Uinit 1

Unit 1 Develop and evaluate running(a) plans for own reach of responsibility Unit code B1 Unit reference number Y/600/9588 QCF level 5 Credit value 6 Guided learning hours 25 Unit summary This unit helps learners to develop, implement, monitor and review operational plans for own area of responsibility. Assessment requirements/evidence requirements Assessment must be carried out in way that is consistent with the requirements outlined in Annexe D Assessment Strategy. To pass the unit, learners must meet all of the assessment criteria. Assessment methodologyThis unit is assessed victimization evidence from the buildplace, i. e. observable performance, physical products of work (such as reports, plans, correspondence etc), witness testimony, discussion and questioning etc. Simulation is not allowed. Learning outcomes and assessment criteria NoLearning outcomesAssessments inference typePortfolioDate 1 Be able to align objectives of own area of responsibility with those of own organi sation. 1. 1 Identify operational objectives within own area of responsibility. PPC work plan Activity sheetsRef 2 App A + B4/3/13 1. Analyse objectives of own area of responsibility in relation to those of own organisation 2 Be able to implement operational plans in own area of responsibility2. 1 Assess risks associated with operational plans and include contingency arrangements 2. 2 Identify concomitant from relevant stakeholders 2. 3 Implement operational plan within own area of responsibility 3 Be able to monitor and evaluate operational plans in own area of responsibility3. 1 Monitor procedures within the operational plan 3. 2 Evaluate operational plans and implement any necessary actions.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Canadian Tire Sw

Canadian Tie is 1 of Canadas most-shopped general retailers, offering everyday products and run to Canadians through more than 1,700 retail and gasoline outlets from coast-to-coast. Canadian break Corporation has many strengths as an organization. First and foremost, they enjoy a strong and loyal customer base. Their long history as a Canadian troupe has helped them in this regard, as many of the existing Canadian competitors collect been purchased by foreign corporations over the years. They also behave one of the most recognizable trademarks in the country. Another strength of the company is its diversity.They currently provide a wide range of goods and services to their customers including automobile parts and service, financial services, clothing, hardware, and housewares. They also have one of the longest-running customer rebate programs of any retailer that is, the Canadian Tire money that customers receive after making their purchases. The major weakness of Canadian Tir e is that in the past, they have periodically lost their focus on customer service. They have taken their customers for granted, assuming that the customer would always return to the store regardless of how they were treated.Because of this, they have occasionally lost market share. The company has also failed to recognize the changing demographic of Canada (immigration, different cultures). The stores tend to focus on their historical customer the fully grown white male. They have failed to widen their focus to women and different nationalities such as Chinese and Indian customers. Another weakness of the company is its failure to expand successfully beyond Canada. This has put limits on the companys growth. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths Has a very strong and loyal clientele. Offer a range of goods and services that meet lifes everyday needs, including general merchandise such as clothing, petroleum and financial services. Offers a chain of automobile parts and superior automotive i nstallers. Offers shopping on line. Canadian Tire bank provides greater marketing flexibility for using its credit card. Weakness Prices have gone up. They have lost their focus on customer service. failed to recognize the changing demographic of Canada (immigration, different cultures) failure to expand successfully beyond Canada.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Comparing two fictional novels

Telling the difference between twain fictional tonics is a bare(a) task but finding a similarity within them some(prenominal) is a hard thing to do, or so you may think. When I think of the comparison of the two novels, which I need to pick, in that location are many books In which I have read before but none as provoke as what I am more or less to share. One of the books is Daughter of the Sea, Hannah by Kathy Lacks. The other one Is The Fallen by Thomas E. Singsongs. Let us look at the differences between the two novels In the next paragraph.One of the differences Is the thickness of the book and the size of the words. The novel Daughter of the Sea, Hannah Is obviously for smaller kids around five to ten to read as the words are huge and the thickness of the book Is quite thin. Meanwhile The Fallen Is squeezed with tiny little words and Is bounded together In a thick stack. A teenager the like me would read one of this. There are even more differences than these. The plot of Daughter of the sea, Hannah revolves around an orphan girl as she little by little finds out more some herself as she grows up.She is not like a normal human being but actually something else The Fallen is a novel about a teenage boy having odd events happening around him when he later finds out that he is actually the son of a fall angel. These two novels have not only different kinds of themes but also different kinds of sentence structures. As you know that the novel Daughter of the Sea, Hannah is one for the set about grades to read, it will definitely be filled with simple sentences such as Whatever the creature was, it looked free, utterly free. And Hannah could not quite believe it. These sentences are simple to allow the lower grades to understand the novel better. While, the novel The Fallen as sentences like As intolerable as the voices had become, the sudden lack of them was equally extreme. and The penetration began to slowly open with the high-pitched whine tha t Tom had been threatening to put oil to since the summer, and three men entered on a powerful gust of wind. apprize you see the differences between them now? Now, lets move on to the similarities of these two novels.So what makes these two books so different yet so similar? One of it is the plot of these two books. In both stories, the main character is put into hard positions where they have to make decisions that might change theyre lives forever. Not only that, both main characters hit new people on their quest and also fall in love. I did not notice they were that similar until I really thought about It. When you read a novel, you do not usually compare the characters with others from another novel.But I noticed that between these two books, both the mall characters are orphans and both have kind, caring and strong characteristics. Whereas for the villain, has a strange, cruel and twisted personality. Every good novel needs a good ending sentence. Daughter of the Sea, Hanna h concludes Its bill with l am not alone There Is a world out there. While The Fallen concludes Its novel with By touch he institute what was needed, a twelve-Inch blade that glinted sharply In the beams of sunlight that streamed in through openings In the boarded-up windows. The first word that came into my mind was confidence. Why? Because they show me that they what. Something really interesting about the similarities about these two books is that the authors of these two books had me thinking and reflecting to myself. I thought If I were to make an important decision in the future, will I bring the right one? Can I be as strong as them if it goes wrong? Or will I Just snap like a twig and break down? I can see what the authors of these two books was trying to show us and I felt what they wanted me to feel. Its astounding how different these books are and yet how similar they can be. May they be from different genres, for different age groups and with different plots. There w ill always be a similarity between any two fiction books of any kind. When you compare and contrast two very different books, using you brain and a little bit of you literature knowledge, you will be able to spot the similarities as soon as a strike of lightning.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Alcohol Control Peoples

An inebriantic beverage is a drink that contains ethanol. Alcoholic beverages are free into three types beers, wines, and spirits. Alcohol is a substance that a lot of spate, mostly of age and people underage drink to forget about their troubles or problems. wad drink be endeavor they like it when it makes them feel on cloud 9, to feel at bliss. Alcohol is just a waste of time, money and patience. Drinking alcohol still makes you feel like youre in another world, away from reality. But alcohol wont help forget those things.Yes it is good sometimes to let go and relax provided that doesnt exactly mean people have to get drunk to feel relaxed. Alcohol should be outlaw because nothing good comes out of drinking, it causes liver victimize and you say things you dont mean. Everyone knows that alcohol messes with your mind. Nothing good comes out of it because, alcohol makes you do things without thinking. For example, drinking whatsoever type of alcohol makes people not have any recognition of what happened during that period of time when they got intoxicated.Being intoxicated makes the alcohol control peoples movements and your brain. Alcohol should be banned because when you get a hangover, it causes a severe headache. A migraine because people were over-drinking. Alcohol is practically ethanol. Its the liquid we use to clean our cuts, for it cannot become infected. Anybody who drinks alcohol beer, wine and/or spirits, they all contain ethanol. There is no lodge for people to practically drink ethanol just because they want to relax. It causes a severe headache, sensitivity to light, nausea, and/or vomiting.Alcohol causes liver damage. There are three-fold modify that can damage a persons liver. There is a chronic disease called Cirrhosis, cirrhosis causes scaring of the liver. Alcoholic Hepatitis causes inflammation of the liver due to excessive alcohol in a body system. Alcohol damages the liver, it makes weak and poor to function. The liver is impo rtant organ in your body, its a fluid that breaks down fats so that smaller fatter molecules can be properly digested. Drinking alcohol will damage an important organ in peoples body.The ethanol in the alcohol damages livers, there is no point of why people want to drink something that damages what they only have. Alcohol should be banned because it changes peoples body, their mental state, and their emotional state. Its dopy to drink this alcohol if people know it has bad side effects. Everybody always has something on their mind that they want to say out loud. A lot of people just do not have the courage to do so. A lot of people like to drown away their sorrows or problems by drinking. thought its the only way theyd be able to say the things that they have in mind, by being drunk.And when they are drunk, they are care-free, they have so much assertion to speak what they have in mind. Alcohol should be banned because a lot of people thinks its ok to be drunk because the wanna l et go. They want to say what they feel, and they dont want to feel what they say. People should be able to do that out of free will. They shouldnt have to get drunk, just so they wont feel any hurt when they speak their minds. Alcohol is a bad substance, nothing good comes out of it, it causes problems in your body system, and you do and/or say stuff you dont mean.Alcohol should be banned because its idiotic, how people dont research the bad side effects from drinking alcohol. Thats why people are dying because people dont listen. They dont think, what would happen if they become alcoholic. Alcoholism is a serious thing and people who are addicted to alcohol should seek treatment so they can get better. Alcohol should be banned because it cause families to suffer because of their loved ones who died of alcohol poising or too much alcohol. Alcohol is dangerous, unless you take the precautions like no driving while drinking.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Use the Slept Framework to Analyse the Current External Business

A. Written Report (25%) You are required to analyse the vexation environment of a UK based manufacturer of a luxury product of your choice. Please note that * The actual company is hypothetical. * It is assumed to supply to the up commercialize department stores and boutiques around the world but its main grocery store is the UK. * You moldiness agree your specific product with your tutor. * By luxury product, we mean an expensive product that is not a basic necessity. To complete this assessment task, you must a. Use the SLEPT framework to analyse the stream external business environment for issues that may affect your company.Attach this in the Appendix. No word make for this section. b. Drawing on your analysis of the external business environment, explain and justify the tierce most important issues onlinely facing your company. Word limit is 2000 words for this section. Word verge The word limit is 2000 words (excluding any items in the appendix**). Students are advised t o stick to the word limit if you exceed the word limit, it should be at bottom the 10% rule. Work submitted that exceeds the word limit may be penalised on the basis of failure to demonstrate academic discipline. *The Appendix should only be utilise to support your discussion (which is what is being mark) with reference materials e. g. diagrams, s green goddessned images, Internet printouts, articles etc. It should not be used to supplement your essay so that more words sack be squeezed into your assignment In other words, a poorly written essay with a fantastic appendix is not going to achieve a good grade. Referencing To get a good grade, your discussion must be underpinned by a wide selection of secondary sources and academic materials (e. g. books and journal articles) throughout your work or where appropriate.All work must be fully referenced (preferably using the Harvard Referencing System) to ack instantaneouslyledge sources used or consulted for the production of your r eport otherwise it would be considered as plagiarism. Correct referencing is a vital skill you will need to master for any academic writing. Please DO NOT USE references taken from Wikipedia, MarketingTeacher. Com, QuickMBA. Com or similar websites that allow students to do a quick copy and paste quotations of academic concepts. These websites may be useful for initial research and/or reading but they should not end up in any part of your work as they are not legitimate academic sources.This mannikin of practice does not encourage deep learning. Deep learning can only come about if you invest time and effort into in-depth reading in original sources. A) Use the SLEPT framework to analyse the current external business environment for issues that may affect your company. Attach this in the Appendix. No word limit for this section. I will be using SLEPT in order to analyze the external business environment for key issues that may affect my high-fidelity firm. inscrutable Sounds is a luxury selling Hi-fi Company based in the United Kingdom. The company does compete internationally, however its main trade mainly takes smear within the UK.The market is estimated to be worth ? 2 billion in 2007 compared with a peak value of ? 2. 1 billion in 2005. The growth of the market for portable music players and, more recently, for home docking stations has offset a decline in home hi-fi system sales. The arrival of the iPod marked a sea change in the audio equipment market. Sales of MP3 players have grown dramatically at the expense of other portable music players, particularly CD players. In the home, CDs remain the dominant format but are increasingly played on PCs and laptops this change has adversely impacted the sale of stuffy home audio equipment (Mintel. generative Sounds does compete at the higher end of the hi-fi market with brands such as Sony and Panasonic. SLEPT framework is used to analyze the current external business environment for issues affecting a business such as replete Sounds. The luxury hi-fi market has many external influences which can affect it. Technology is one of the main external influences from the SLEPT analysis. Development in technology has meant that smaller and sleeker devices such as iPods are selling instead of traditional hi-fi systems. Advances in technology, for example advertising has greatly helped the growing sales in the hi-fi market.Many electronics companies tend to have huge celebrity endorsements which in subject boost their sales as slew nowadays tend to favour electronics which are advertised by celebrities and company the trend. It is said that companies such as Rich Sounds need to spend at least ? 1million on advertising in order to compete at the top level. (Mintel) Also more and more heap tend to download their music nowadays and this means an increase in competition for Rich Sounds as more people would demoralize computers and laptops rather than hi-fis.Ownership of PCs has now reac hed high levels and the majority of consumers are accessing the Internet at least once a week at home. Another issue in SLEPT is economic factors. The current credit crunch has resulted in more and more people having less disposable income and this knock on effect means electronic sales could suffer. It is thought that receivable to this, people are less likely to buy hi-fis, but instead buy necessities. The credit crunch has also reduced the summate of affluent people and this means it could reduce the market size and this means Rich Sounds could become more competitive.It could be said that spending on repairs has fallen dramatically oer the last five years, as lower product prices mean it is often more cost-efficient to replace than repair. The final issue linked to economic factors is society. Hi-fis are associated as being a seasonal product especially at Christmas time when people are buying them for presents so this is when Rich sounds would expect a huge increase in sales. Also people that work long hours and work further away from home can help boost Rich Sounds sales. Nowadays, commuting to work is tedious to a lot of people and so they can listen to audio equipment at this point.The final issue in SLEPT is governmental issues. Although there is not much to say for this point, I can briefly say that tax issues affect my firm. B) Drawing on your analysis of the external business environment, explain and justify the three most important issues currently facing your company. Word limit is 2000 words for this section. I will now discuss the three most important issues from the SLEPT analysis and these are the technological, social and economical issues. Trends are an important aspect of the economic environment.Nowadays it is becoming increasingly more fashionable to follow celebrity trends and those celebrities who advertise electronics such as hi-fis tend to sell the most. An example of this is when Sony used Justin Timberlake dancing on their adver ts to help promote their goods and this saw a huge increase in sales. Research suggests that the two most popular hi-fi companies are Panasonic and Sony and these spend millions and millions on advertising. This means Rich Sounds could advertise new equipment with contrastive celebrities to help promote it hugely. Another economic factor is the credit crunch.It has resulted in people having a lot less disposable income and so therefore hi-fi sales will fall dramatically. Due to this people will not splash out on luxury goods like hi-fis, however they will buy necessities instead. This provides a knock on effect and therefore Rich Sounds sales may fall. Also the credit crunch has seen a reduction in the amount of wealthy people and this can reduce the size of the market and therefore make Rich Sounds more competitive. http//academic. mintel. com. lcproxy. shu. ac. uk/sinatra/oxygen_academic/search_results/show&/display/id=271602/display/id=299002hit1

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Tragic Flaw

and The Flaw By Phanit Asavanamaung 10B Stories are told in some styles, through different medias all which are to hold in or educate its audience. Christopher Booker, the author of the book The Seven Basic Plots, introduces the idea of the seven basics categories of any story told. The seven basic archetypes are all over Coming the Monster, Rags to Riches, The Quest, Voyage and Return, Comedy, Rebirth and Tragedy. Tragedy as one of the seven archetypes, are found in any type of stories from the approximately recent make novel to the almost forgotten ancient myths of the earth.Tragedy is mostly used to describe when there is a death in the story, but which the term calamity fuck also be used to describe when the use has fallen into a lower state. It is better defined when there is a downfall of the main eccentric individual in the story. In all the stories which are categorized under tragedy, has one thing in common. It is that those fibres have a sad tarnish that influen ces the character to their downfall. The tragic fault for each character is different. It is influenced by many factors, such as family and the environment they are exposed to.These influences lead to the death of the eternal love of Romeo and Juliet, or even the life of a school girl, Alaska in Looking for Alaska. The tragic flaw of a character is influenced by many factors, leading to the characters downfall. The tragic flaw could be observed when there is a end to be made, and the wrong choice is taken. The decision took, is influenced by the characters experience and also the position that they are in. The experience of the character is from their past, about their families and their environment. This could result a tragic flaw to the character by making a scar to the character mentally.If the character was poorly treated in their childhood, or have experienced a traumatic event this could cause a flaw in the character. At times, when the physical body of the character is at its worst, the tragic flaw allow influence the characters decision, and which will eventually lead to the downfall of themselves. There are many type of tragic flaws and which a character may develop more than one flaw. By having more flaws, the character will be likely to be influenced by more events, which will make the character to become more vulnerable, in the tragic state.These flaws could be found since the early myth of Jason, on a quest to find the Golden Fleece, which it also ended up in tragedy. The flaws that are most common are from being treated badly as a child or from being blinded with love. Romeo and Juliet, the famous story of the two star crossed lovers of the rivalry between the two families, ending up in tragedy. The reason behind the downfall of the couple is non from the conflict between their families, but it is actually their flaw. According to Chrisxbales papers, it describes the relationship of the two as, are non in love, but in lust.There are many flaws between the two characters, combination of immaturity and stubbornness. It could be observed that the two characters rushes into things, such as the first encounter of the two. Romeo says,If I profane with my unworthiest hand / This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this / My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand / To smooth that rough see with a tender kiss. (1. 5. 92-95) The statement shows proof of how at first encounter, Romeo decides to ask Juliet for a kiss, even without knowing each other. This is an evidence of immaturity.Also the two, decides to ignore the advice given from friar Lawrence, and which they have ended up paying the ultimate price. They also ignore the most obvious of which their relationship is not going to be well, with their family conflict. The main flaw of the Romeo and Juliet is that they are both blinded with love, making them stubborn and immature. The series of events were influenced by the flaw of the two characters, making them ending up in t ragedy. Not single could that tragic flaw be observed in classic stories, but also in modern literature.An example of modern literature would be, Looking for Alaska by John Green. The story is about the life of Miles Halter after he moved to the Culver Creek School. He then narrates of the experience of being with his friends, telling the tragic ending of Alaska Young. Alaska Young was no ordinary school girl, she is the girl who pulls out pranks on everyone and which does all the bad things she is able to do. Once while the group of friends were stumble smoking, Alaska has stated that, You guys smoke because its fun, but I smoke to die. This introduces the first flaw of the character.She does not love or care about herself, therefore she will make choices which are bad for herself. Later on, it was then told that Alaska Young has a sad past. In her childhood, she has experienced the death of her mother, and which she was blamed by her father of kill her mother. That has created a scar in Alaska, and which she kept on blaming herself on everything that went wrong and that she was failing everyone. She was then found, dead in a car crash attempting to suicide blaming herself on forgetting her mothers anniversary.These were the tragic flaw of the character and which it all started by being mistreated in her childhood. The flaw has taken over the character and influenced her daily act. By not being conscious about what is the best choice for the people around and themselves, they would end up with a problem. By not solving the problem properly, other problem will appear. This will continue, until it has reached its worst such as death or the right decision is made. In conclusion, tragedy always ends up with the downfall of the character, which is caused by their tragic flaw.It could be seen through the examples of Romeo and Juliet, and the downfall of Alaska, in Looking for Alaska, that it all started from people around them. Families and friends are most in fluential on what they will grow up to be like. It is where their future and their fate are decided. By being mistreated or taught to behave badly towards others, it can cause a flaw. The flaw will be hidden in the person, until the time when the person is at a traumatic or panicking state.Each person has a different flaw, and which they may result on developing more than one flaw. As explained, these flaws will influence each person to make a wrong choice. As once stated by Mahatma Ghandi, Nobody can hurt me without my permission. Referring that no one can hurt you, unless you hurt yourself. The quote supports the flaw of the character that it is their own fault that lead to their downfall. In order to reduce the risks of the impact of the flaw of each person, it is important that they are conscious about the decision they are making.This could make the person to be able to think and choose the better choice for themselves and the people around them. Works Cited Green, John. Looki ng for Alaska A Novel. revolutionary York Dutton Childrens, 2005. Print. Quotes About Hurt. (337 Quotes). N. p. , n. d. Web. 02 Mar. 2013. http//www. goodreads. com/quotes/tag/hurt. Romeo and Juliets Tragic Flaws. Romeo and Juliet S Tragic Flaws. N. p. , n. d. Web. 02 Mar. 2013.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Organizational Behavior Case Study Using

Abstract We chose to number at a military type that was exposed by the media last year in which Brigadier commonplace (BG) James BG Botchie of the United States childs play ram down was accused of stand that was unbecoming of an officer. By examining the roots of simple constitutional theory as well as the systems theory approach to instruction, we will be able to see what aspects and principles should be wear out utilized and enforced in order to prevent such incidences from reoccurring. ? Organizational Behavior Case workplace UsingClassical Organization supposition and Systems Theory In order to see where Brigadier General James Botchies management went wrong, we will use the classical organization theory and systems theory to evaluate his action and decisions. To reserve support to our conclusion, Tommy will sh atomic number 18 a personal encounter he had with BG Botchie. Quotes from various texts will a ilk offer support to our position that BG Botchies approach to management was non simply ineffective, but withal inappropriate for an officer in the United States commit Force.Classical Organization Theory While whatsoever aspects of classical organizational theory can be considered out of date, it has been constantly progressing over the past century to cleanse suit current workplace environments. From Taylors scientific management theory to Webers bureaucratic theory exclusively the charge to Mooney and Reileys administrative theory, classical organizational theory has develop some of the most fundamental principles to help better manage people in the workplace.In order to effectively insure how classical organization theory could help a situation, such as the one regarding Brigadier General James Botchie as reported by the Air Force Times, one must first look at the basic principles behind the theory. One of the four central points in Frederick Taylors scientific management theory is to, closely supervise workers, and use reward a nd punishment as motivators (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009). In BG Botchies situation, he provided little to no supervision to his subordinates and was described as hands-off, uninformed and at times uncaring (Fontaine 2). This escape of upervision caused the military equal opportunity office (MEO) to be an unorganized and nonproductive environment that allowed discrimination and determent to go undisciplined and undocumented in many cases. A nonher Taylorism stated that the task of management is cookery and controller (Walonick, 1993). From what the Air Force Times showed, BG Botchie did not follow either of these guidelines. Military organizations require all parties to abide by strict scratchs of conduct in order to function as a well-oiled machine. BG Botchies actions not only reflect poorly on his work ethics, but similarly his moral ethics.He did not act as is judge of a United States serviceman Personnel are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest stan dards of personal and professional integrity and ethics. At a minimum, all personnel shall abide by with directives issued by the Secretary of Defense regarding the Standards of Conduct and Government Ethics. (Dalton, 1997). Much like the rank levels involved in military organizations, Max Webers bureaucratic theory emphasized the need for a vertical structure of power (Walonick, 1993).In order to continue maintaining control among soldiers or workers alike, there is a need for definite rules and a clear line of authority and control (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009). BG Botchie allowed this line to become blurred when he developed friendships with his subordinates. Not only did this lead to unprofessional conduct in the form of creating an inner boys only bivouac that harassed female coworkers, it also raised an ethical dilemma in that BG Botchie engaged in communication channel deals with subordinates and possibly used government resources to further his profits (Fontaine 4).There i s a reason for positions of authority and that is to maintain control and productivity in the office. BG Botchie instead used his authority to foster sexual harassment and gender discrimination, do unprofessional relationships and misappropriate government resources for his own benefit (Fontaine 1). Mooney and Reillys administrative theory proved to be the most rigid out of the classical organization theories. This theory put the emphasis on establishing a universal set of management principles that could be applied to all organizations (Walonick, 1993).It is now realized that this is not realizable with the fast paced changing of times however, this method could be used to help remedy the inconsistencies that occurred in BG Botchies wing. For example, if there was a uniform set of rules and procedures set in place and enforced regularly, people like BG Botchie would not have a chance to abuse their power. Throughout examining the classical organizational approach to resoluteness Brigadier General James Botchies erroneous behaviors, the key solution is enforcement of hierarchy.None of this would have occurred if BG Botchies superiors had salaried closer attention to his actions. While people in positions of authority should not have to instill tending in order to get results, they should be treated with the respect they deserve. That respect facilitates efficiency and respect for partner coworkers as well. By maintaining the proper order of ranks, work is accomplished as a result of a sense of pride in work and duty to ones job. In addition to an subjoin in productivity, the level of discrimination and harassment would decline for fear of punishment.When the rules are enforced and there are positive and negative repercussions for behaviors, people are more inclined to follow the regulations set forth. Simply put, to void negative situations, such as BG Botchies, enforce the rules and regulations that are set forth. Systems Approach This situation could have also benefited from the systems approach to the Ohio Air National Guard Organization. The United States Air Force maintains a strict code of conduct as an entire organization and also employs separate, more detailed rules and regulations for those enlisted and those who are officers.The enlisted ranks are seen as the workers or followers to the officer ranks. The officer ranks are seen as the leaders of the organization and they are expected to set the tones for how those that follow them are to conduct themselves. Rules are established to help keep the distinction amongst the appointed leaders and those who are the followers and to prevent any bias from effecting promotions or allowing preferential preaching from the leaders of the organization. Brigadier General James Botchie was fortunate to experience both the leader and follower sides of the Air Force.BG Botchie started out in the enlisted ranks before he was com banged to the officer ranks. I had the opportunity to wor k for BG Botchie later the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Centers in 2001. He was the flight commander and highest be officer for the mission. As a unit, the 121st Air Refueling Wing (ARW) was assigned to support Operation permanent Freedom at the Incirlik Air Base in Turkey. My job as an enlisted worker was for various electronic functions of our airplane.My ultimate goal was to make sure that the pilots could complete their mission, which required all of the aircraft to be operational. We accomplished this mission and pleased BG Botchie. He attempted to reward us (the enlisted workers) with alcoholic beverages in an enlisted only establishment. I enumerate you this story to give yet an some other example of the rules being established and BG Botchie acting as though he was above them and as if there would be no ramifications for breaking them. Systems theory can be described as having all components of an organization interrelated.By changing one variable, many othe rs may also be effected (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009). Modern day management has to understand that the decisions imposed on one part of an organization can have a great impact on other members of the organization, even if they are not directly related to the initial decision. BG Botchies decisions were not thoroughly thought out and he did not consider the impact that they would have across the organization. The decisions he made for his immediate group not only affected the morale, behavior, and work ethics, but it also reached throughout the entire Air National Guard.The 121st ARW is always partnered with other units from all across the United States. This behavior is observed by others who may have had a opposite managerial style and expectation. This is also evident in the following quotes The organizational systems theory also infuses a culture that is transformed to a learning environment. A creative learning environment will also help the organization and its members realize t hat the small decisions made today may affect a ball-shaped impact tomorrow (Smith & Taylor, 2000). The Central premise behind holding a vision is that somehow I can shape my futurity, systems thinking helps us see how our own actions have shaped our current reality, thereby giving us confidence that we can create a different reality in the future (Smith & Taylor, 2000). BG Botchie did not infuse the culture with the set of values and morals that the USAF instilled in his appointment as commanding general. If Brigadier General James Botchie analyzed his decisions using the systems approach for his managerial and decision establish processes, his career may have had a different outcome.Conclusion In conclusion, it is generally in everyones best interest to abide by the rules and regulations of an organization since they are set forth as a way to maintain order and protection for the employees. The classical organization theory and systems theory have clear manage principles that help to build a strong organization, when the policies are followed correctly. Having employees that respect the hierarchy of the organization is also internal to a successful workplace.Brigadier General James Botchie did not follow these guidelines and it hail him the respect of his peers and nearly cost him his job.? Bibliography Dalton, J. H. (1997). General Regulations Administration of Discipline. U. S. Navy Regulations, 1990 Interim Change, 101-102. Fontaine, S. (2012, May 23). Report Details 1-stars Inappropriate Conduct. Retrieved from Air Force Time Mobile http//www. airforcetimes. com/mobile/index. php? storyUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. airforcetimes. com%2Fnews%2F2011%2F04%2Fair-force-ig-details-conduct-BG Botchie-041811w%2F Kinicki, A. & Kreitner, R. (2009). Organizational Dynamics and Human Behavior. The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. Smith, K. D. , & Taylor, W. G. (2000). The learning organisation ideal in Civil Service organisations deriving a measure. The Learning Organizatio n, 194-205. University, C. M. (2008). In Administration, Globalization and Multiculturalism (pp. 25, 30, 79, 360). McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. Walonick, D. S. (1993). Organizational Theory and Behavior. Retrieved from http//statpac. org/walonick/organizational-theory. htm

Monday, May 20, 2019

Birthday Bash and Crash

Birthday Bash and Crash Nathan Blanchard Honors Language-2 August 9, 2013 On June 22, 2013, I woke up as if it were both other day, but it was not any other day, It was my birthday. I got up and took a shower, brushed my teething and hair and dressed in a nice, but casual disclosefit. A pair of blue, white, and red plaid shorts with a solid red polo shirt and white under shirt was my outfit of choice. I was excited for my party even though I knew what I was getting as a gift. all told I had asked for was an Oxbow 360. I knew my mother and the rest of my family had done everything they could to make sure I got it.I was so expert for a lot of things though. I was getting an Oxbow, my older fellow, Each was coming, and It was a cook out. Even though the party was small, it was the best party ever. My whole family would be coming to the party my mom had planned. Everyone began to arrive rough 200 In the afternoon. My mom was busy cooking in the kitchen and a family friend, Mr.. Ri ck was cooking hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill. My granny, Winston and Gail, Brian, Each, and Gracie all came over. Once the food was all cooked and ready, we all ate.We had hamburgers, hotdogs, spud lad, Cole slaw, devil eggs, baked bears, macaroni and cheese, and potato chips. Of course there was a big measure with Happy Birthday Nathan in red letter for dessert. aft(prenominal) eating lunch, it was time for presents. Got the best things ever. Everything I needed and wanted were nicely wrapped or boxed. My gifts included a metallic black Oxbow 360, five games, Including Mineshaft and Call of Duty. 1600 Microsoft points, a set of black and viridity Turtle Beach headphones, and an extra controller which was purple. I know these were very expensive gifts and I am very grateful to my family.I know that they love me a lot and the really care about my wants and needs. After opening my gifts, my brother, Each and I decided to throw the football. Before we went outside, he tossed t he football in the timidity and I hit it. The ball crashed onto the table. I didnt break anything, but my mom told us we had to go outside. When we got outside, my sister, Michael and her friends, Brian and Gracie came out also. We all threw the ball back and forth until my brother and I started to tackle. That was too much for the girls so, they plyed kickball. My brother kept taking the soccer ball from them.Next thing I heard was him yell, He shot, he scored. I looked to see what happened. Each had Just kicked the ball In the back of his truck. After we played in the g-force for a while, we all went back inside for cake. The cake was served after the family and friends sang, Happy Birthday. The cake was great. It was vanilla cake with white sweet Icing. I had ice cream with mine. Once we all finished our cake, it was getting belatedly and everyone needed to go home. The party ended and cannot wait until next years. Just to let you know, I play my all of the time.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Computer Technology Essay

Charles Njogu, the charge does non ring a bell does it? That is my name. Why should my name matter to you? It should matter because I am one of the biggest success stories to come out of my native country, Kenya. I come from a third orbit country and nothing I have ever achieved or have in life came on a silver platter. I worked hard to reach my status in my life now and I am working even harder to make sure that I do not waste any of the opportunities lady luck has thrown my way. Completing my education has always been my personal battle.There were some hearty times in the past when I thought that I would do better to throw in the towel and just give up. But I have a dream, a dream to suffice my countrymen realize a better life and for the future generation of Kenyans to have a better get hold in life than my generation did. This is why I strive to reach even greater high school in my educational accomplishments. I want to be the example every Kenyan will grammatical constr uction up to and realize that in that location is a brighter future ahead of them. All they have to do is sustain moving towards the goal.No matter how impossible it seems. Though life was rough for me back home, I never let anyone derail me from achieving my goals. That character trait of mine was built up over the years of misfortune and hindrances that I had to overcome. Looking back on my educational achievements in Kenya, I amaze myself because I never believe I could all that and much more. I have always had a fascination with ready reckoner Technology. This is why my earliest educational achievements were in this field.The Computer Training Center in Nairobi awarded me an ACP security measure in Computer programming back in 1993. This was quickly followed by an ACP Advance Diploma in Computer Studies as well as another ACP Diploma in Systems Analysis and Design. My interest in computers helped me understand that Management plays an important role in the way any office wo rks. All the beat computers and databases in the world will be rendered useless if efficient office precaution is not firmly established by the office right from the start.So I toyed with the idea of taking some management courses. After all, it has always been a personal dream of mine to own my own business someday and, hopefully, be able to teach my fellow Kenyans all about business management in rescript to help their business skills. Three years later, in 1996, graduated with a National Diploma in Business Management with an Advanced Certificate in Business Administration from the Kenya Institute of Management. For most people, that would be enough of an achievement to make them feel accomplished in life, but not me.I knew there was more to learn and that Kenya found educational institutions had probably taught me all that I they had to offer me. So I set my sights higher. This time, I was eyeing further advanced education in the United States of America. It was with great pride and experience that I was accepted into Brandeis University in Massachusetts. I attended the school as a masteral pupil of internationalist Finance and Economics. My major(ip) was in International Finance and International Economics. I completed these studies back in 2003.Now, in 2007, am expecting to complete my Master of Science degree in Management and Systems with a major in Leadership and acquaintance from New York University. You might ask yourself, with all these accomplishments, why would I pipe down want to complete a Ph. D. in Management at Rutger University? The answer is really part of a very logical process of educating myself that is deeply rooted in my sense of self-accomplishment. I want to be a results oriented businessman with vast experience in business administration, financial management, information technology, knowledge and organizational management.I believe that in order to properly manage a business, I mustiness be highly skilled in strategic pl anning, implementation and information systems auditing as well as knowing how to properly increase productivity while keeping a streamlined business operational. It is my endeavor to complete my Masteral Degree in Management because in the future, I wish to see a contend career as a Business Systems Analyst, project manager, as well as a intercommunicate engineer / person. These positions will require me to fully utilize all my extensive skills, analytical and leadership abilities in order to realize my potential for future growth.Why should Rutger University even bother to consider me for a student slot in the system? The answer to this lies in my soon to be published thesis authorise Managing Knowledge Capital How Organizations Measure Knowledge Capital and How the Make It Grow. It was recently reviewed with much praise by Lydia Rich and should be published in the short-term future. In this thesis, I am reminding everyone that computers do not do the managing of businesses al though they are an integral part of the management system.I proposed that what really keeps the business running is a thoroughly new, yet proven to be accurate method of determining the value of businesses today done proper management ideas. Lastly, I am sure you will want to know why I want to attend Rutger University. The answer, simply put is that I believe that your university will provide me with fertile dry land where in I can learn even higher levels of academic theory and practice based on one of the most admirable Ph. D. curriculums this nation has to offer.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Clinical Nursing Essay

IntroductionNurses utilize bigeminal theories routine to care for tolerant role roles and their families, though these theories range from grand, to occurrence-specific, to mid-range the cheer tends to focuses on which theory testament go forth the better(p) care to his/her persevering. Perhaps in my opinion mid-range theories with their growing frequency of use are best suited for nurse in the 21st century. Mid-range theories are said to be middle rather than usual but they are specific enough to evaluate observed situations (McCurry, Revell, &Roy, 2009). There are multiple reasons wherefore mid-range theories offer some of the near up to date information when it comes to the care of our patients and families, but lets just break it down to three interpersonal traffic, family, and wellness promotion. The middle range theories of these three examples will provide a set of assumptions and/or predictions from specific situations confirmed by research (Nolan & Grant, 1991 ).Interpersonal relationsFirst, Hildegard Peplaus Theory of Interpersonal Relations has influenced patient care in the 21st century worldwide. What is so crucial and probably most significant with this mid-range theory is its focus on human issues and its value of coming(prenominal) day generations (Barker, 1998). Nurses utilize this theory to treat each patient as an individual realizing that each person and their situation are unique. By applying this knowledge to each patient the nurse is able to develop a sanative relationship, which will promote the planning and implementation of nursing care. For nursing care to be successful they moldiness view the nurse/patient relationship as a partnership being aware both are working together for a common goal (Barker, 1998). Also, interpersonal relations are utilize in tout ensemble areas of nursing, which is why it is so meaning(a) for the future of nursing, because without these relationships we would not be effective in our profe ssion. These relationships are needed to expand our knowledge of each patient and their situation. By establishing trust the patients are further to express themselves openly and h adeptstly. Therefore the relationship built bridgesbarriers that may have hindered the patient outcome.FamilySecond, Hildegard Peplaus mid-range theory of family governances has revolutionized the nursing approach in which families are incorporated into decision makers. Currently, families are viewed as the most influenecial person when it comes to the care of their love one and only(a), meaning not only are nurses to build a remedial relationship and trust with the patient but with their family as well (Forchuck & Dorsay, 1995). This theory molds nurses into advocates for the family unit, which in turn influences the patients quality of life. These relationships with families are crucial when it comes to care, for example, if a patient was unable to provide the nurse with wellness history or tell the m when they are in pain the family is able to be the eyes, ears and speech of their loved one. This action improves the care for the patient and nurses need the families as much as the patient needs the nurse. This is one of the reasons why this theory works in the 21st century even with all the technology in the world, we as nurses still need the human interaction to open our eyes to the patient/family dynamic.Family governing body nursing is both the individual and the family simultaneously instead of just merely family nursing where the nurse takes care of the patient within the context of the family (Forchuck & Dorsay, 1995). This practice focuses on the interactions and relationships made between the nurse, individual and family. In order for this theory to be successful the nurse must be aware of the range of choices and downfalls associated with family system nursing. Also it is necessary to build on these relationships to provide creative personal choice and consistent giv e ear of care for the patient to enhanced achievable goals. This engagement of nursing with family systems opens the door for problem solving of patient situations, which implements structure in the nurse/individual/family relationship (Forchuck & Dorsay, 1995).Health promotionThird, is the promotion and maintenance of health by utilizing Nola Penders Health Promotion stick. Health promoting way is enhanced through and through nursing practice, which enhances the patients overall well being. This mid-range theory is important today because it shows a supportive and educative system in health promotion in a patient who needs teaching anddemonstration in performing self-care. By applying this method the nurse is able to identify patients health promoting behaviors such as, health importance, self-efficacy, perceived control of health and perceived health status to attend any gaps and/or barriers to their health promoting behavior (Simmons, 1990). By promoting health the nurse seek s to care for the individual by developing these behaviors of hale living, which sets the stage for the individuals to gain knowledge to care for themselves. This applies to all nurses who actively promote healthy living by becoming an active influence in developing healthy living behaviors through education and guidance.ConclusionThese middle range theories set the groundwork for research. Each are utilized casual in clinical practice to provide the best patient care. The rationale for considering the middle range theories is an important factor when considering a care plan, which requires the use of the nursing process. These theories follow the nursing process and help guide our responses to promote, educate, integrate and build relationships with these individuals and their families with the same common goal of promoting health. These authors point out how the nursing profession is potent in the care of different and how their actions influence health beliefs. These middle ra nge theories build on other theories, which is why they are so important in nursing practice today. These theories can be employ in different areas of nursing as well as using multiple theories in one area of nursing such as mental health. Also, middle range theories have identified multiple interventions for health related issues through simple research (McCurry et al., 2009). Nurses like myself have adopted these theories and incorporate them into daily practice to increase my own understanding of my patient and their situations and this is why I chose middle range theories.ReferencesBarker, P. (1998). The future of the Theory of Interpersonal Relations? A personal reflection on Peplaus legacy. Journal of psychiatrical and Mental Health Nursing, 5, 213-220. inside10.1046/j.1365-2850.1998.00128.x Forchuk, C. & Dorsay, J. (1995). Hildegard Peplau meets family systems nursing innovation in theory-based practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 21,110-115. doi10.1046/j.1365-2648.1995.2 1010110.x McCurry, M. & Roy, C. (2009). Knowledge for the good of the individual and society linking philosophy, disciplinary goals, theory, and practice. Nursing Philosophy, 11, 42-52. doi10.1111/j.1466769X.2009.00423.x Nolan, M. & Grant, G. (1992). Mid-range theory building and the nursing theory-practice gap a respite care case study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 17, 217-223. doi10.1111/j.1365-2648.1992.tb01876.x Simmons, S. (1990). The Health-Promoting Self-Care System Model directions for nursing research and practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 15, 1162-1166. doi10.1111/j.1365-2646.1990.tb01708.x

Friday, May 17, 2019

What is Chivalry Essay

What is valourOriginally Latin, actually spelled caballarius and pronounced SHivlr, is knightliness. Chivalry is the compounding of qualities expected of an ideal knight. Such qualities include honor, courtesy, courage, justice, and willing to assist those in need. If adept is fearless in character, therefore one is a gentleman and noble in his good deeds. He would in no manner hesitate to serve others and serve his beau ideal. This is evident as Honore de Balzac puts it the saw of heroism is also the motto of wisdom to serve all, but love only one.Chivalry, besides its original usage as calvary, passel truly only be delineated in only one way, which is to refer to a unadulterated code of conduct. There isnt any negative connotations to the word either, unless somebody called a fellow thane chivalrous in Old Anglo-Saxon times Other than that, the only emotional association with the word is chiefly positive. This noble idea of conduct is constituted of several virtues in sp ite of the narrow usage of the word.So, how did gallantry come into existence? Journey to the medieval times and you will discover that chivalry was once an experiential characteristic of all(prenominal) man sworn into nobility or born into it. These men were knights. Medieval knights battled hogback and practiced outstanding gallantry. Knights were always calvary in battle, and exhibited righteous morals. A group of knights was actually called the chivalry of the militia. They were excelled in sword craft nearly comparable to their high level of graciousness, and could ride a horse well-nigh to the speed of which they are willing to assist a damsel in distress. Chivalry came to be known as the demeanor of an ideal knight, rather than simply a group of knights. As Chaucer puts it in Canterbury Tales, an ideal knight loved chivalry, truth and honor, freedom and courtesy a very gentle, perfect knight. some(prenominal) happened to chivalry? Certain writers may say chivalry is dead, or it might just have a bad case of the flu. As long as wrongs are still righted, chivalry will survive. Chivalry cannot and will never die out. It may become exponentially less evident everyday, but fundamental all the rudeness and discourtesy, chivalry is there.Chivalry does indeed need to be implemented much and more into society. Every single mans major desire should be to act magnanimously and break in a generous and noble state of mind. If every man were to be genuinely chivalrous then hardly would there ever be any cheating, debt, adultery, stealing, or even bad attitudes. Each and every man would be true in their religion, honest, courteous, and would have a burning passion to do what is right. return of that chivalry based utopian society. A world where people were more worried about modify themselves rather than raising themselves up would be phenomenal. Modern chivalry should predominate like it did with Sir Lancelot around queen Guinevere. Contemporary America coul d learn from John Bowrings Chivalry poem which reads Now tell me what is chivalry?To battle in the foremost fightFor anythingfor wrongfor right,For some fair ladys disrespectful smile,For what is virtuous, what is vile,Come, tell me, is this chivalry?No in the men for truth who pant,In wretchedness and woe and want,Who control the worlds contemptuous hate,With patient soul, with heart elate.No in the woman in whose collection plateNo peace is found, no comforts come,Yet bends in silence,feeling stillTis Gods most kind, most holy will.Thisthis is truest chivalryChivalry essentially is the essence of all that is good, virtuous, and holy, conglomerated into one admirably cultivated code of conduct to live by.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Marketing - Essay ExampleThis eventually resulted to creating a need for a good financial market for banking and finance in which the bottom variant would be to stimulate needs for certain product or service offerings. This area has become so combative in which the resulting activity leads to the creation of competitive rivalry. In short, it is important to consider that the presence of young market entrants, power of supplier and buyer and advancement in technology has significantly created an essential line leading to competitive rivalry (Ireland et al., 2007 Hitt et al., 2009). Porter in that locationfore is right on specifying some factors that may fundamentally lead to the creation of competitive rivalry. Thus, he emphasised that there is a need to go for competitive strategies. This is what the financial market has essentially applied to the extent that there is a point to include economical policy measures just to minimise the presence of competition in the market (Lin dbeck, 1973 Lancaster and Reynolds, 2005). The building societies and banks The Building Societies companionship (2011) presents some major(ip) differences between building societies and banks which include building societies as mutual institutions, are not companies run by their shareholders, and the issue on the limit of proportion of funds. These differences bring forward to some major prefers and even shown in some studies revealing that building societies have outperformed banks implying that mutual organisations may outweigh those subscriber line organisations (Valnek, 1999). There are underlying reasons for this and one of the most significant is the inclusion of rights and privileges for members to receive the right schooling they deserve to have. The next most important thing about building societies is that they are not considered companies which are highly controlled by shareholders who are influential to maximise profits for increase amount of dividends. The point of this is that there will be low operating cost and other significant privileges that will ensure advantage on opportunity cost. In fact, it was found that building societies remain to have constant rates in deposit and mortgage (Heffeman, 2005). This emphasises that building societies are indeed not under pressure of its stakeholders which blind drunks further that the needs of consumers are greatly catered to the fullest. The limit of proportion of funds on the other hand would mean further that compared to banks, building societies are highly secured for investment and this is an opportunity for consumers or investors to go. Harpenden Building Society Harpendens company website revealed some of important information about its operation which leads to having a better view at its current trends in the market (Harpenden Building Society, 2010). Harpenden is known for its place in the UK building societies. It significantly belongs to the club of 52 renowned UK building societies b ecause of its 20,000 members having more than 25,000 accounts. Aside from this, Harpenden has no debt because it eliminates its chance for borrowings on the money market. another(prenominal) good thing about the financial performance of Harpenden is the upward spiralling growth of its deposits and mortgages. Harpenden is also recognised by

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Modernity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Modernity - Essay ExampleBerman says advance(a) humans are locomote at once by a will to change and by a terror of freak out and disintegration, of life falling apart (Berman, 1982). Change frightens us even as we long for it. To be modern is to live a life of paradox and contradiction. It is to be both revolutionary and conservative alive to modern possibilities for experience and adventure, frightened by the nihilistic depths to which so many modern adventures lead (Berman, 1982). In bourgeois society, it is argued that the consumer is the master by reason of making the choice to purchase or not purchase. Berman says this is not rattling the case. Availability of options only begins the list of restrictions. Poor people cant get lawyers in a country that is binge with them the HMOs have abolished the autonomy of physicians college professors are often glorified fundraisers (Hitchins, 1999). The World Trade Center of New York urban center is an architectural example of the modern. Berman describes it as isolated it gave off hostility as compared to the Chrysler and Empire State Buildings. The bearing Authoritys idea of safety involved repelling the people. The slab shape grew out of an aesthetic voiced trump out by Le Corbusier, who said that in order to have modern planning we have to extinguish the streets. For him the street epitomized disorder and chaos (Berman, 2002).

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Ultimate Program for Gifted Learners Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Ultimate Program for Gifted Learners - Essay ExampleIt gives them a behind and an identity in the world. They help him carve for himself a good standard of living and a decent status in society, depending on the upbringing he gets. Nevertheless, these are not good enough for a child skilful with special learning abilities and talents.Funds and resource material are important and necessary to discover and hone the skills of the pupil with special learning abilities. However, these are just some of the tools to be put in place for such students. Unlimited funds and resource do not inescapably guarantee success for an be after pupil seeking to discover his special talents and abilities.Equally important is confidence building measures and emotional factors that escape a vital role in shaping the future and lives of these students. Nothing can replicate their forbiddenlay and value. They comprise the bond of relationship between the tutor and the taught. A very large premiu m is fixed on the intelligence and integrity of the tutor, for these are the standards the student volition seek to emulate.It is customary in schools to bequeath brilliant students, especially in the lower classes, to skip a grade, in order to accelerate their education and put them up at a grade which will be a match for their take aim of intelligence. We so often come across students too young for the grade they are in. However, their performance is brilliant. They are promoted in a double measure. This is done in order to introduce them to a curriculum which will prove to be a match to their special learning skills which is superior to their peers. A fourth-grade student who shows iniquitous skills in mathematics, science and English, narrow down for grade-skipping and is promoted to the sixth grade, even if the rest of the students in the new class are senior to him by a couple of years. Education acceleration helps accommodate him at a train where he could enthusiastic ally prove himself and gain confidence. These students automatically qualify for the program. (http// The next group of students who may qualify are those who consistently remain among the first five rankers in a class of 40-45 students. These are the ones who consume extraordinary learning skills and leadership qualities. It is necessary to consider this group of students even if they do not necessarily qualify for grade skipping, in order to ensure that no deserving student is left out of the program. Also, gifted children with Learning Disabilities (LD) must be given the opportunity to seek admission in the program. Until recently, students with the LD mark off were written off as below average students. Ultimately, most of them ended up as dropouts. However, propagation have changed. Students with learning disabilities are no longer treated as misfits. It may be demanding to identify their

Monday, May 13, 2019

International Marketing models Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International Marketing models - Essay display caseThe three models can however not be applied independently. There is an overlap in their practise with the business organizations currently leaning towards the polycentric model. International Business Part One Legal Issues Relating To Global commercialism International business involves trading within and without national boundaries. The fact that business spreads across opposite jurisdictions gives trick out to legal issues especially because many times the laws across countries are not the same. There is therefore, the need to make up the laws. Some of the legal considerations in international trade include the following Tariffs (Customs) and Quotas A responsibility is a assess imposed on minutes and exports within a jurisdiction. The amounts of tariffs charged by the government in-charge determine whether the investors would be able to invest in a particular jurisdiction or not. Many jurisdictions use the tariff rank as the bait to either attract or chase away investors. Charging high rates would effectively discourage investment (Schaffer, Agusti, & Earle, 2010). Quotas refer to the restriction of quantities to be imported or exported in a particular jurisdiction. Governments impose maximum limits of imports to protect their domestic industry mainly from inflation caused by disapproving balance of trade. The governments may impose exports to caution the country from scarcity of commodities which would shoot demand high and thus occasion inflation within the economies. The use of tariffs and quotas affect businesses as they have to toil within the docket of a particular jurisdiction (Schaffer, Agusti, & Earle, 2010). Antidumping and Transfer Pricing Laws Antidumping refers to rules against dumping. Dumping essentially refers to a situation where multinationals import goods of lesser quality and value into foreign jurisdictions. Governments have come out strongly against dumping as it defeats the ideals of trade and erodes the standards by perpetuating mediocrity (Schaffer, Agusti, & Earle, 2010). Transfer pricing is a concept of taxation that concerns multinationals. Owing to the different taxation rates by different jurisdictions, multinationals exploit transfer pricing so as to tax their products within the lower taxation rates jurisdictions. Governments have come up with laws to prevent cases of tax escape and evasion under the guise of transfer pricing. Intellectual Property Rights International business recognizes intellectual post rights although the rights are granted within individual jurisdictions. These include copyrights, patents and trade secrets. Governments have been considerate enough to impart laws to enable innovators enjoy the fruits of their work through the intellectual property rights (Schaffer, Agusti, & Earle, 2010). Sources and Forms of Political Risks Political risks refer to the do the politics of the day in a particular jurisdiction has on th e businesses within that jurisdiction. Political risks could be caused by the government, the people or the activities of competitors and non-governmental organizations. Governments mainly expropriate or nationalize companies in effect winning over the share ownership of the companies. The people may be at war creating un-conducive environss detrimental for business. Activists in the guise of protection of the environment or societal interests may render the business working environment

Sunday, May 12, 2019

HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT - appellation ExampleThe activists be people who are open minded and are passionate towards their work as they gain their larn from the practical understanding. On the contrary, the attitude to take risk of the activists power not be suitable for the establishment in few scenarios (Huang and Busby 92-100).Theorists are the people who acquire their knowledge and discipline with the assistance of the relevant theories. The people following the theorists perspective get their assistance from the varied theoretic underpinning when they are trained systematically. Thus, it can be stated that the training and development must be associated with the theoretical advancement to get a split understanding. However, the key issue faced by the theorists is that they might be hesitant towards gaining the practical knowledge as learning (Huang and Busby 92-100).Pragmatists are the people who seek their learning from the theoretical as well as the practical activit ies in order to develop their skills. It is observed that these people are innovative and use their theoretical knowledge and understanding when conducting practical tasks. These people are more streamlined and hence the companies provide learning opportunities to them at large. However, these people require continuous training and development for better understanding (Huang and Busby 92-100).Reflectors are the people who acquire their leanings by observing various activities of themselves along with others. Employees favouring this learning style will be more considerate and cautious while obtaining proper learning of skills and abilities. Correspondingly, businesses might face issues while offering training to these individuals as they are seemed to be a bit time-taking in their learning approach. However, their considerate nature will ensure that they improve themselves in a comprehensive mien overall. These groups of people are supposed to be less participative in comparison

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Mergers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mergers - Essay Examplergers be part of reforming a business which involve two companies coming together to create a epic organization that pleases shareholders (Albizzatti and Sias 35-28). iodine factor that may make two companies succeed in merging is by integrating their entropy thus it will be easier to achieve the shareholders value. According to Gaughan (2009), this strategy is mostly used in problematic economic times where those companies which cannot survive the competition in the market are bought-off by the strong companies in the market. Stanwick (16-11) descries that this enables the companies to improve their competitive nature as other companies merge hoping to increase their share in the market and thus will produce more than they would have if they were to operate by themselves.This study shows the possibilities that would make a company such as SLP want to merge with another one. It will also show how the mergers are financed and finally it shows the second and the third company to be chosen as a merger liberal reasons for each. In my opinion if I was to pick a company to merge with between Dell and Intel it would be Dell. This is because it has more benefits to the company than Intel. Perry and Herd (19-12) shows that Dell is a multinational company and it already has a big market share all over the world which has been estimated to be 20 percent.This advantage would make SLP troupe be in a position of venturing the global market as Dell would increase its industrial visibility. Dell is a company that deals with computers and SLP Company is involved in vehicles. Their merging type would be in the form of extending their production as the businesses are different but the products are somehow related. If Dell was to coup detat SLP it would achieve more benefits of economies of scale as the size would increase as well as its product line. To pay for the deal the best way would be through persistent value stock. This is where the shares are fixed in that the buyers shareholders may run

Friday, May 10, 2019

Computer security Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Computer security - depot Paper ExampleOnce, one comes to terms with this astounding fact that then comes in the concept of calculating machine security. Simply speaking the purpose of the computer security is to look to it that the data residing within the computers remains unhurt and sound. The arrangements for computer security within organizations look to it that no harm depicts done to the computers owned by the organizations and the teaching saved in those computers remains inaccessible to the unwanted people and organizations (Gollmann, 1999, p. 9). Most of the computer security systems stupefy been designed with the serve of the logical technologies. The concept of computer security is mostly relevant in the situations where a computer or computers in an organization are connected to other computers and networks with the help of the accompanying networking technologies and run (Gollmann, 1999, p. 10). The primary and essential objective of the computer security is to protect the organizations from unwarranted data prejudice and the terminus financial and mind way outes.The Debilitating Consequences of Data LossThe data saved in the digital computer hardware and computer networks within corporate and financial organizations could be considered to be the very backbone of these institutions. Any loss to the organizational data in the form of a data theft or a virus threat or say a natural disaster does always have the potential to chip in an organization to its knees. Most of the times it is almost impossible to recover the lost data and any retrieval if possible is not devoid of a serious threat to the viability of the concerned organization (Vacca, 2009, p. 40). As already said, the businesses in the 21st century are totally digitized and do tend to depend on their hardware and computer networks for survival and sustenance (Vacca, 2009, p. 469). In this very fact lies the very vulnerability of these businesses, which if not safeguarded with the help of proper security, could give way to irretrievable losses and damages. The consequences of a data loss to an organization owe to a lack of computer security or a breach of this security could be manifold. It is not exactly possible to financially quantify the losses owing to data loess, but it would not be wrong to say that such losses at an international scale do run into billions of dollars (Vacca, 2009, p. 136). seek has shown that many companies every year have to contend with data loss, which also includes some of the most reputed companies of the ground (Vacca, 2009, p. 136). Many of such companies when struck with a data breach or data losses get immediately shut down and even those which manage to strive, a considerable number have to get away with dire consequences in the following years (Vacca, 2009). Realistically speaking it is not always possible to picture the losses incurred by a company owing to data loss. In the age of brand considerations and intellec tual property, if the impact to the perceptions and views of the customers and trading partners owing to data loss could be considered to be tangible assets, then the looses to a company owing to loss of sensitive data and information is no doubt invaluable and debilitating. Hence, the biggest loss that an institution, corporation or organization could face owing to data loss

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Human Resources Within The Company Research Paper

Human Resources Within The Company - Research Paper ExampleThe goals of PAC Resources Inc. have been met to a certain degree through the development and implementation of new training programs in the caller-out. The severe employee agitation in PAC which occurred three years ago made it clear that the company needed to qualify its human resource policies and programs. The new training programs including in-house training activities have helped the employees of PAC to remain salutary informed about the human resource initiatives taken by the company and as a result control the growth of motivation among the employees.The training programs of PAC Resources Inc. have been suitably established but a bite of scopes for improvement can be identified in the existing training programs. Firstly, the company should facilitate emend communication between the employees and the upper management to ensure that the training programs can be easily assimilated by the employee groups and actual ly bear results. Secondly, the aggressive training programs should be made more employees friendly so that the employees be encouraged to attend the training programs regularly.Knowledge management has been identified as a key land within the organizational capabilities of PAC Resources Inc. that needs extensive improvement. Therefore, the management of PAC has included a working(a) knowledge management system within the human resource management processes. This is aimed at improving the nourishment and transfer of knowledge within the company. The company has taken steps to improve communication among the employee groups as well as between the individual employees and the line managers and the upper management. An open door policy has been introduced within the company with the aim of facilitating better communication level within all levels of employees in PAC.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

PHIL 102 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PHIL 102 - Essay ExampleIn light of this, ethics requires moderation to the extent that they do not constitute nuisance and hinders individuals wishes.Ethical consideration thus denies adept the prospect to double up the art of existence good and exercising freedom simultaneously, one has to opt for one of the both if ethics remains your benchmark. In most cases, with the rational as stated in the estimable code of conduct be it conventional or statutory, one must forgo either of the two provisions. This is to the extent that if you opt to be ethical, you have to forgo the freedom segment, the same applies when you disregard ethics and get a line the freedom, and one will have to forgo doing well. I believe that this position is not outright in all the cases, since it only remains significant if a consideration to be made is held ethically.Prominent philosophers did relieve the relationship between ethics, personal freedom and the art of doing good. Aristotle brought forth the theory of virtue, in this theory he started unequivocally that for one to be considered a good man, he must live a brio that demonstrates his intentions to achieve what he considered as goals tailored to every man. Apparently, Aristotle was attempting to answer a question from Socrates that sought to contend how man should live. According to the Socrates version, it was impossible to lead a life devoid of any form of conflicts as he selectively resolves that egoism is one of the factors that make individuals lead a life of contradiction. The contradiction in this case is the inability to harbor freedom and remains good in pursuit of ethics.In this case, being ethical shows that contradiction or rather the two provisions remain to be interchangeable depending on the individuals preference. Since the principal role of instituting ethics is for the moderation of the human conduct and helping go along the most moral and objective judgment, it needs to be rationalize for the sake of making it impossible in comparing

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Protagoras' Denial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Protagoras Denial - Essay ExampleLee noted that Aristotle criticized that this is where the principle of non-contradiction has been used as a critical accentuation to what Protagoras imposed (57). This could be due to the observation of Aristotle that the good and bad virtues, justice and injustices of Protagoras were appoint to be so much relative that it would already make the learners wonder which sides could be considered as neat or false.Protagoras, indeed, has a unique way of teaching his own philosophy. However, his study could have been criticized because of time earlier where access of information is not the same with the modern technology. This would mean that philosophers before would depend on their insights and elaborative acquaintance based on experience and observational skills. With this, Protagoras could be considered as intellectually smart because his assumptions that were previously criticized are now orthodoxically used as means of how people should be virtu ally wise in ground of knowing how to listen and accept

Monday, May 6, 2019

Reflections Associated with I Just Wanna Be Average Essay

Reflections Associated with I scarce Wanna Be Average - Essay ExampleRose in this book presents his cub schoolchilds as products of surroundings they are in. During the time he was in vocational school, he is presented to us as an average student who is rarely noticed in class. Mike Rose is not limited by his brains but by his surrounding and the f cultivate that he is a vocational student. It is ironic that in this particular category as student they are not expected to do well even by their own teachers. Students in this surrounding have low expectations and as a result, they perform poorly because that is what they are made to believe. In reality, there is a choice to perform well, but students in most cases follow the standards or levels coiffure by the teachers. What makes this book outstanding is the fact that Mike Rose is placed in these classes as a result of confusion but, due to his strong character and determination he decides to take the enrollment. Even though, a st udent Rose closely examines his teachers and fellow classmates. Through his essay, he explains that his teachers act as if they do not want to teach in a much-unexpected way, they use violence and lack of teaching plans to control students. This act negates the rule that students need motivation from their environment and especially their teachers. However, Rose looks at these from both sides and states that his fellow classmates do not express any desire to learn. Students in this essay paint learners who are into fights, parties and slacking finish up as non-performers and lack academic visions (Joy 2008). The value of student determination is illustrated with Rose because he has to incite to school using two buses. His first bus leaves him midpoint from South Los Angeles and second one takes him through forests and lots of flowers as he mentions in the essay. He also discovered some special qualities from his fellow students, which reveals one, fact that students are not as ba d as they seem there is always what net be done. One of his classmates that caught his attention was Ken Harvey who always gave sincere answers. When asked about his expectations, he states, that he wants null but be average. Rose analyzes this situation further why Ken thought in such(prenominal) a way. He attributes these to the difficulties that students go through in their school years. Rose argues that life is wild and enigmatic at this particular stage of development and that by settling for low standards makes their lives a little bearable. These guess he later confirms when he joints a typical school. The standards that are set are high for him and he feels wish well he should be a common student, like Ken. The idea that students will always assay to achieve the set standards comes into play when Roses Dad dies. He is left alone and feels like he is not going to make it, fortunately at this particular time a humans named Mr. McFarland is introduced as their English te acher, these man comes in with disorder and eccentrics. Despite these Rose finds he likes the teacher because he has his students at heart and encourages them to work hard. As a result of this attitude rose finds himself interested in learning more than ever, eventually the teacher convinces him to enroll for college education. Through his effort and encouragement from McFarland, Rose ends up perusing college education and finds his true self. This essay reveals many interesting facts about motivation in